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Founder's Bootcamp

A 10 week guide to self-mastery, confidence, clarity, self-discipline, and the art of mentoring oneself

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Presented by Coaches Bob Shenefelt & John Glon

Our Founder's Bootcamp Program is designed to help Visionaries committed to exponential growth and uplifting themselves and others. Join our community of amazing visionaries and gain self-mastery, confidence, clarity, conviction, inspiration, belonging, self-discipline, and mentoring skills over the course of 10 weeks.

Join the Revolution of Visionary Founders - Unlock Your Potential and Make a Positive Impact on Yourself and the World.  



"Bob has helped me see that it is possible to combine spirituality with business and accomplishments; they can work together. He has taught me the power of appreciation. I appreciate things a lot more than I used to. As a result, I am happier. Through his teachings, I am now more conscious of what I say, which results in verbiage that is more consistent with what I mean. This has brought me closer to the person I am."

Our Founder's Bootcamp provides Visionaries with self-discipline, inspiration, and concrete plans to bring your Vision Boards to life.  Gain mastery of oneself, and join our community of Visionaries to gain fulfillment and success.


    Embark on a journey to self-mastery and self-discipline with our Coaches.  Bring clarity and Exponential growth to your Vision.

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